






卢霍尔兹, 前足球教练, 业余魔术师, 以及鼓舞人心的演讲者, 曾经说过, “地球上没有什么是静止不动的. 它要么在生长,要么在死亡. 不管是树还是人.我还要补充一句,我们的索赔组织不会停滞不前, 我们努力保持增长.

Due to reorganization and retirements, the Workers' Compensation and Property & 伤亡索偿小组在过去几个月发生了变动. 四名新员工加入了这个组织, 已经成立了新的小组,并执行了新的程序. On the horizon is a substantially upgraded IVOS, our claim management system.

We have also contracted with DONNCO to assist us in evaluating our current contracts, 谈判更好的合同条款, and monitoring results on our Workers' Compensation managed care programs (medical bill review, PPO, 病例管理, PBM). This arrangement should result in significant indemnity savings in to the Workers' Compensation Trust (NCIRMA) while still providing top-notch medical service to our members' employees.

Change is inevitable in our legal system, and these changes can alter decisions made by adjusters. Therefore we closely monitor changes in statutes and opinions from all levels of the court systems so we can make proper decisions and properly protect our members.

而变化是一个常数, delivering excellent customer service is part of our culture that will not change. New staff members are quickly mentored about the importance of our members and our desire to serve the towns, 村庄, 以及我们为其承保和处理索赔的城市. 我们的成员, 作为NCLM大家庭的一员, are very important to us and it is critical that all of us deliver on the promise of awesome customer service. 感谢您给我们机会为您服务!




The League welcomed Tony (TJ) DeLuca and Darius Chisholm as our newest risk control consultants in March 2018. TJ has over 20 years of experience in safety and risk management and comes to us from Durham County, where he was responsible for the management and operation of the Risk Control and Safety Office. TJ also worked for eight years as the Facilities Services Safety Manager for the University of North Carolina, 教堂山分校. 在搬到北卡罗来纳之前, TJ served for 12 years as a firefighter with the New York City Fire Department. TJ also works as an instructor with Wake Technical College where he teaches at the fire training academy and OSHA safety classes. 他将在这个州的中部/北部为我们的会员服务

Darius has over 15 years of experience in safety and risk management and was previously working for the City of Salisbury, 他在那里担任风险经理. Darius还曾在Union County, Lance, Inc .从事安全工作., Charlotte-Mecklenburg学校, 以及北卡罗莱纳州劳工部, 在那里他担任OSHA合规官和顾问. 大流士拿的是B.S. in Environmental Health and Safety from East Carolina University and is a certified manager of environmental safety and health. 他将为我们在该州中部/南部的会员服务.

TJ and Darius are available to help members with their risk management needs including:

  • 风险识别
  • 风险缓解
  • 安全培训
  • 要求分析
  • 设备检查
  • 意外及伤害预防

Members are encouraged to contact TJ and Darius for assistance with their risk control needs. 电话:(919)830-6999或 tdeluca@NCLM.org. 电话:(704)491-9493或 dchisholm@NCLM.org.



30多年了, the League has been proud to serve as the most trusted and experienced municipal insurer in North Carolina. 我们是由会员拥有和管理的, so 100% of our focus is on what's best for cities and towns in our insurance pools, 我们把节省下来的钱投入到帮助会员的项目中.

我们的专业承保团队不断评估承保需求, 限制, insurance terms and conditions and more to remain competitive in the marketplace. 除了保险范围之外, we also have seasoned and experienced claims personnel ready to respond to your Property & 及时处理伤亡和/或工伤赔偿索赔. Employees in our risk control section also provide unparalleled risk control consulting, 风险评估, 培训和教育. 简而言之, 我们来这里是为了我们的会员, providing a comprehensive risk management solution that adds value beyond a traditional insurance policy.

We know that budgets are a deciding factor when making insurance decisions. That's one reason why the League works to include many value-add services and member benefits for no additional cost – be sure to utilize all the services we include so that you do not duplicate those expenses in your budget from additional vendors. 在考虑你的保险供应商时, remember to include the inclusion or absence of these extra services in your comparison.

For the 2018 -2019 policy term, the League is offering the following enhancements:


所有责任限额将增加到5美元,000,自7月1日起,每宗个案/每位会员的收费为5,000元, 2018. The current per member minimum 限制 of $1,000,000 have not been amended in many years; if ever. Increasing all liability 限制 will help the members in today's increasingly litigious climate and also help with the large number of required contract provisions for high 限制 being imposed on the membership such as railroad protective liability.


A 3% credit is applied to the workers compensation premium to any eligible member that participates in both of the League's insurance pools, 房地产 & Casualty Trust (IRFFNC) and the Workers' Compensation Trust (NCIRMA) as of July 1. 如果您的实体目前没有收到此信用, 请与我们联系洽谈, 如果你加入财产和意外事故信托基金,七月一日生效, 然后您将开始收到包裹积分. Conversely if a municipality non-renews its Property and Casualty Trust coverage, 那么它将失去包裹信用.


一个额外的利益提供给365足彩下载的财产 & Casualty Trust members is that we provide a FREE property appraisal service that helps to determine the insurance replacement cost for your insured buildings. The League has contracted with HCA Asset Management, LLC to perform the appraisals. HCA评估小组将与物业联系 & Casualty Trust members to schedule a specific time and date to perform the appraisal inspection. HCA began these appraisals in the eastern part of North Carolina in September 2017 and will conclude the five-year project in western North Carolina.




A size of premium credit will be given to all policies that are $2,000 and higher. This is based on an industry standard sliding scale and depending on the Workers' Compensation premium size, 一些会员可以获得高达10%的优惠.​

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